This is a wonderful full length animation. Set in Australia and New York, its a simple romance story of a young girl and her pen pal. Her pen pal is older, and sees the world from a very different perspective. It's later revealed that he is an Aspie.
The coloration of the film is wonderful. Mary is lacking in confidence, has a pill popping mother who is fighting or rather falling victim to depression. Marys world is the scorched sepia tones one could almost associate with dry grass of eternal summers. Max's world is black and white and scarlet. The only color being in the lipstick of the woman who has a crush on him, and a pompom Mary makes for him.
The coloring is well in keeping with the locations and the characters moods. No this is not a depressing movie.
The two lead characters develop a natural relationship, managing to irk each other periodically, but having the strength of friendship to see it through.
Though Max is almost stereotypical for an Aspie, we have to forgive the creators this, as he is a plainly stated, clear to understand representation, he is a starting point, much as in Rain Man where the world was introduced to "classical" autism.
The mix of gross out humour and a loving coming of age story blend together into a well constructed film. Go ahead and see this one soon.
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